I am trying to make a little space in my basement and sell some unused armies. Here is a large lot of necrons mostly painted to good to very good standard. They should be on ebay however if interested please contact me.
A wargamer and miniature painter blog. Featuring Flames of War, Warhammer, Field of Glory and many other beauties ...
Saturday, September 22, 2012
My (self made) workbench
This is my self made workbench. It is broadly inspired by the citadel one and made of plain wood with an old ikea table cover as cutting base. I find it very useful and allows me to remove almost all what I need quickly from the table.
Lord of change
This is my last production. It took me lot of time to finish this impressive demon lord. Mainly because it is very difficult to paint: the wings and the vest represent a real challenge.
I used the second head to produce a two-heads model.
I painted most of the model pre-airbrush so it is mainly a dry brush painting effect. I also started using Vallejo liquid gold and was really happy of the effect. To ease the transport the model has detachable magnetized wings and arm. I had a great fun with that. Hope you will like them (apologize for the awful pictures taken with my iPad : I have my pc broken and am using the iPad app to post).
I used the second head to produce a two-heads model.
I painted most of the model pre-airbrush so it is mainly a dry brush painting effect. I also started using Vallejo liquid gold and was really happy of the effect. To ease the transport the model has detachable magnetized wings and arm. I had a great fun with that. Hope you will like them (apologize for the awful pictures taken with my iPad : I have my pc broken and am using the iPad app to post).
Monday, September 17, 2012
Screamers of Tzeench
Herald of Tzeench on disc
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
German vs American Battle Report
Tonight I played at Goblin shop a nice (not for me) game using a Blood, Guts and Glory German FHH panzer company (with my brand new panthers!). Besides from the good look the company performed quite bad being very difficult to mount back bailed out reluctant tanks...
Saturday, September 8, 2012
88 mm (work in progress)
German 105mm battery
This is the battery of 105 mm GE571, namely the leFH18 howitzers see also here. It is an old product not the new one in the box that comes with nice resin bases. nevertheless I think I did quite a good job on the bases anyway.
Nice aircraft bases
Monday, September 3, 2012
Panzer Grenadier part I
Company HQ
(Panzer) pioniers
This is the first infantry platoon of my new Late War German force.
The only useful (... not fully sure) german platoon I was able to grab at my local store was a platoon of German Panzerpioniers. (I think it is an out of production pack since i do not find it anymore in the site)
see here for the latest briefing
The only useful (... not fully sure) german platoon I was able to grab at my local store was a platoon of German Panzerpioniers. (I think it is an out of production pack since i do not find it anymore in the site)
overview of the full platoon |
the goliath |
the platoon commander |
Some of the pioneers bases
Old Style Panzers
To give you a term of comparison I post here some pictures of my pre-airbrush German tanks.
Pz IV H |
IMHO the overall result is not bad but clearly the effect with airbrush is much better...
Note also the handpainted Balkenkreutz and Numbers...
I Have a complete platoon of 5 Pz IV H
Pz III N |
and 2 optional Pz III N
Stug III G |
Brummbar |
A platoon of 5 Stug
... and one of 5 Brummbar
.... too much work to repaint all of them !
see more photo here
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Tigers reloaded !
I repainted three Tigers with my airbrush since I want my army to have a more homogeneous look.The only minus of this operation was that the new layer of paint over the previous ones occluded a little the zimmerit texture.
Anyway I am much more happy of their new look.
For the details of the painting see my Panther G post.
More pictures follows
Tiger II with Porshe turret |
One of the two Tiger I i repainted |
For the details of the painting see my Panther G post.
More pictures follows
Panther G platoon
Another result of my summer test with the airbrush. This is a Panther platoon from ThePlasticSoldierCompany. I mounted the tanks according to the Ausf G version since i want to use them as late models that already dismissed it.
The tanks are very nice and easy to assemble. The only part that
deserves some attention are the tracks. Maybe a wise idea for the future
is to paint them separately and assemble later... The tanks are without zimmerit so I think they should be used only for very late models (fall 1944 onwards) that already dismissed it.
I painted them with Hinterhalt camo scheme following the suggestions in the flames of war site.I first airbrushed the basic dunkelgelb color using Vallejo air 25 Dark Yellow, then I airbrushed big blotches of camo colors (Valleyo air 41 Tank Brown with little white and mix of Vallejo Air 7 and 11 Olive and Tank Green). After a light wash with black wash i painted the dots by using a toothbrush (thanks to the suggestion of Enrico!). They are still a little large but they come out quite regular.
The whole tank was later drybrushed withlight sand (I used the new citadel range for drybrush).
Track are painted in gun metal and then washed with brown. I finally painted the additional equipment with gunmetal and light brown.
I am pretty happy of the final result and overall i found quite quick to use the airbrush. I really love the way it covers flat surfaces compared to brush. I still have a little trouble with the camo. Sometime it is too liquid and it spreads too much like a spider net.
Models still need some final touch. I have to add spare tracks and additional equipment. I also need to buy decals with the Balkenkreutz and the tank numbering (maybe the latter not since in late war these were rarely used).
Some additional photos follows.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
PanzerSpah platoon
Another example of my first airbrush experiences done this summer...
I re-painted a PanzerSpah platoon with the command Sd Kfz 250/1 and two Sd Kfz 250/9.
I am pretty happy of the result but i still must learn to draw thinner lines and I have to find the right green color.
The command vehicle is still missing the soldier firing the mg...
I re-painted a PanzerSpah platoon with the command Sd Kfz 250/1 and two Sd Kfz 250/9.
The command vehicle is still missing the soldier firing the mg...
More pictures follows
Puma !
I am a great Flames of War fan and after getting a little bored about the allied I switched recently to the Dark side of the force seriously starting a german late war army. Some time ago I painted some tanks but I was very unhappy about the overall result: I definitely need something better for the camouflage!
I recently bought an airbrush and started practicing it for painting 15mm AFVs. It's not an easy task and I used several tutorials found on the web and did some practice on old tanks.
When I felt a little more confident I started my first new project: painting a platoon of Sd KFz 234/2 Puma using battlefront resin models.
My first post
Hi everyone !
This is my first post and I am very excited ! I wish to start by introducing me and my passion.
I live in Bologna, Italy.
I paint miniatures and play wargames since many year (too many to count them!). I started as almost all with Airfix plastic soldiers and playing with my friends at primary schools. Later I entered a club a started playing with tin 25mm ancients: at that time we used Newbury rules. I painted my first army that was an imperial roman legio that I still have in the basement... We soon switched to Napoleonics (my old love) playing with 15mm and there I started collecting Russians and French.
After several years of fun and big battles with friends (Empire, Armati and Fire and Fury ...) the group more or less dissolved and we then started playing at a shop (Goblin) where I discovered Flames of War and Warhammer which are my current favorite games. I played a lot Fields of Glory ancient and renaissance but i got tired of it and me and my thousands ancients are waiting for a revive !
I hope you will enjoy looking at my work and will be very happy about your comments and suggestions!
Daniele AKA Gargagna (that's how my kids call me: I don't where it comes from but it's now sticked to me...!)
This is my first post and I am very excited ! I wish to start by introducing me and my passion.
I live in Bologna, Italy.
I paint miniatures and play wargames since many year (too many to count them!). I started as almost all with Airfix plastic soldiers and playing with my friends at primary schools. Later I entered a club a started playing with tin 25mm ancients: at that time we used Newbury rules. I painted my first army that was an imperial roman legio that I still have in the basement... We soon switched to Napoleonics (my old love) playing with 15mm and there I started collecting Russians and French.
After several years of fun and big battles with friends (Empire, Armati and Fire and Fury ...) the group more or less dissolved and we then started playing at a shop (Goblin) where I discovered Flames of War and Warhammer which are my current favorite games. I played a lot Fields of Glory ancient and renaissance but i got tired of it and me and my thousands ancients are waiting for a revive !
I hope you will enjoy looking at my work and will be very happy about your comments and suggestions!
Daniele AKA Gargagna (that's how my kids call me: I don't where it comes from but it's now sticked to me...!)
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